Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Social referencing for experience-sharing

This is the last clip of Lucy for this term and we're all feeling a bit staggered (in a good way) by the comparison between Lucy when she first came to us in September and Lucy as she is now.

In September, her presentation was one of chaotic, disorganised thinking, disconnection from others, very high anxiety, withdrawal from any kind of uncertainty, inability to co-regulate, poor to no social referencing, and complete lack of joint attention.

Take a look at Lucy in this clip from 14th December.

In the analysis of the footage, I am writing in black and Sharon (my RDI guide) is in blue:

Clip 1 - Set up and limits re slipping off the chair.

Clip 2 - I build anticipation around the different ingredients. To facilitate referencing, I say 'First of all.....' and pause before continuing. I do the same with the raisins. Nicely done!

Clip 3 - I say 'I thought we would taste....' and pause

I pause again before sharing the rice pops some lovely inviting and modelling taking place here. We taste and I lean in for Lucy's emotional reaction.

Clip 4 - I share out some more pops and wait for Lucy's gaze before sharing my emotional reaction minimal use of talking is really helping here too.

Clip 5 - I build anticipation around the next cup and share my thinking re the sound.  I wonder what’s in and wait for Lucy to reference before sharing.  We eat the choc and I wait for Lucy to reference before sharing experience.  Lots of experience sharing looks taking place between you!

Clip 6 - (4 min 36) I build anticipation re what’s next did you notice Lucy's raise of her eyebrows, a surprised facial expression!  There is a lot of referencing & even more experience sharing around this love the sharing of emotional reactions - your use of gesture with thumbs up & Lucy's little giggle We eat the sultanas.  I share my emotion when Lucy references.

I feel I have helped Lucy to increase her referencing considerably here by judicious use of pausing :) And by relying more on non-verbal communication.  Zoe this is such a lovely little clip, what a long way Lucy has come this school term.

Where to More of the same, using senses in this way really seems to have helped.  Your pauses, anticipation & non-verbal communication all invite Lucy to take part in experience sharing, fantastic!

End of footage analysis dialogue.

Lucy is now seeking out interaction and showing real motivation for connection (e.g. during session time she will come and sit down on the chair next to the adult straight away in anticipation of fun) as well as enjoyment in the connection.  She is beginning to understand that a little bit of uncertainty is manageable when she has an adult guide whom she trusts to act as a point of reference to help her decide what to do.  Her co-regulation and social referencing are coming on in leaps and bounds and joint attention is emerging.  How exciting!!


  1. Hi Zoe,
    Thank you for sharing the clips and notes on Lucy. Lovely progress over the past term. Looking forward to seeing more in 2016. Happy New Year to you and your team.

  2. Hi Libby

    Thanks for taking the time to read, view and feed back. Happy New Year to you also :)

  3. Hi Zoe, this was FABULOUS to watch. I can see that both of you have made lovely progress. Thanks for the share.

  4. Cheers Di.....I don't think we ever stop learning :)
